Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Man Who Ran the Moon

The Man Who Ran the Moon

James Webb, JFK and the Secret History of Project Apollo by Priers Bizony

Picked this up at Half Price Books recently.  It look me a while to get started but what an awesome story about a person who you don't hear much about.

James Webb was the first administrator of NASA.  This guy had the ear of presidents and the captains of industry.  NASA was created in his image.

Well worth the time if you are a space junkie.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Steve Jobs to Cupertino... I pay taxes

Quoting from Apple Insider:

When one councilwoman asked if free Wi-Fi for the city was a possibility, Jobs replied, "I'm a simpleton, I've always had this view that we pay taxes and the city pays to do this kind of thing. Now if we can get out of taxes, I'd be happy to put up Wi-Fi."


The video is here on YouTube.


Saturday, May 28, 2011


Chromebooks are very cool.  What do I like best?  I think it's the pricing.  The lease idea is very innovative as it the bundling with Verizon data.

$429 wifi, $499 with 3g.  The 3g version comes with 100Mb/mo of verizon wireless data — FOREVER!  No contract, no extra charge.

The leased versions are $20 to $28/mo and the EDU pricing includes google apps for my school.

Seems like a very hot ticket to me…

Monday, May 16, 2011

Endeavour last flight launch photo's

These photos from NPR are most awesome:


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Live TV From the Moon

I haven't posted in a long time - maybe a year.  I've done lots of reading and a few other amazing things.  One of them has been a insatiable desire to watch podcasts.

So I'm watching Spacevidcast and Dwight Steven-Boniecki is on talking about his book Live TV From the Moon -- The Story of Apollo Television (amazon, kcls).  As luck would have it my local library had a copy.

What an amazing labor of love.  Dwight is a 'video geek' and he became interested in what it took to send live video from space -- political, scientific, engineering and logistical challenges.  It's an awesome and untold story.  It even comes with a DVD.

If you are a space nut run, don't walk, to read this.
